Introduction to Medical Research

Introduction to Medical Research

Research is the systematic collection, analysis and interpretation of data to answer a certain question or solve a problem

-It is crucial to follow cascading scientific steps when conducting one’s research

Characteristics of research:

1) It demands a clear statement of the problem

2) It requires clear objectives and a plan (it is not aimlessly looking for something in order to come across a solution). 

3) It builds on existing data, using both positive and negative findings. 

4) New data should be systematically collected and analyzed to answer the original research objectives. 

Steps of Scientific Research:

Selection of Research Area:

Selection of this broad entity of research is based on the following:
      Scientific background
      Actual need for research in this area
      Available resources (interest of funding body)

Selection of Research Topics:

The priority of a topic for research depends on:

     The characteristics of the problem (topic):
      Impact on health:
      Available interventions
      Proposed solutions
     The characteristics of the proposed study:
      Applicability of the results

Components of the Research Protocol:


2- Aim and objectives

3- Methodology

- Conceptual the framework ,study hypothesis

- Operational definitions of variables and terms

- Study setting (hospital, clinics , community)

- Study design

- Sample size and sampling technique.

- Data collection

  - Data analysis plan and data presentation

4- Limitation of the study

5- Ethical considerations

6- Dissemination plan

7- Resources and facilities

8- work schedule /time table

9- References

10- Appendices 

Link and sources:

Fundamentals of research methodology and data collection PDF


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