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Definition of Statistics: Is a field of study concerned with (1) the collection, organization, summarization, and analysis of data; and (2) the drawing of inferences about a body of data when only a part of the data is observed. Definition of Biostatistics: When the data analyzed are derived from the biological sciences and medicine, we use the term biostatistics to distinguish this particular application of statistical tools and concepts. Definition of Descriptive Statistics: Are descriptive coefficients that summarize certain set of data which can be representative of entire or sample of population. It is divided into: a)      Measures of Central tendency. b)      Measures of Dispersion. Measures of Central tendency is a single value that describes the way in which a group of data cluster around a central value such as mode, mean and median and you can see definition from name itself. Or: In each of the measures of central tendency , of which we discuss thre

Cross Sectional Study

Epidemiological research is a type of medical research that is specialized in determining the distribution of diseases in population, risk factors and health determinants relating to diseases. There are 2 types of Epidemiological research: Observational studies: In these studies, no intervention from investigator as we observe effect of something like risk factor or treatment without attempting to change who is exposed to it or not. These studies are classified into: Individual based: a)       Descriptive studies : are to describe the occurrence of the disease in population (pattern of disease) such as case reports or series. b)      Analytical studies : are to analyze the relationship between exposure and outcome such as Cross sectional, Case control, Cohort study. Population Based: a)       Descriptive : includes health survey. b)      Analytical : includes ecological study. Experimental studies: They are interventions to change many variab

MCQ on sampling methods.

1)     Mrs. Trahan samples her class by selecting 5 girls and 7 boys.  This type of sampling is called? a)     Stratified b)     Systematic c)      Simple d)     Cluster 2)     Mrs. Trahan samples her class by selecting every third person on her class list.  Which type of sampling method is this? a)     Simple b)     Systematic c)      Stratified d)     Cluster 3)     Mrs. Trahan samples her class by selecting all students sitting at group 1 and group 5 in her classroom.  This sampling technique is called? a)     Simple b)     Stratified c)      Systematic d)     Cluster 4)     Mrs. Trahan samples her class by picking 10 numbers from her hat and each number is assigned to a student. This is ______________ random sampling. a)     Systematic b)     Simple c)      Stratified d)     Cluster 5)     Farmer Joe separates his apple tree farm into 10 regions.  He counts the number of apples produced in just one of the regions and uses that estimate