
Showing posts with the label Medical Research

Prioritizing and selecting a research topic

Prioritizing and selecting a research topic Why do we prioritize public health problems? 1.       Limited resources. 2.       Not enough people. 3.       Not enough time. 4.       Not enough money. Criteria for selecting a research topic: Relevance: The topic you choose should be a priority problem. Questions to be asked include: How large or widespread is the problem? Who is affected? How severe is the problem? q How large or widespread is the problem? q Who is affected? q How severe is the problem? Avoidance of duplication: Before you decide to carry out a study, it is important that you find out whether the suggested topic has been investigated before, either within the proposed study area or in another area with similar conditions. If the topic has been researched, the results should be reviewed to explore whether major questions that deserve further investigation remain unanswered. If not, another topic should be chosen. Urgency of data n

Sampling Methods

Sampling: It is the procedure by which some members are selected as representative of the entire population. Some sampling terms: Population: Collection of units sharing common characteristics  Ex : Finite: Possibility of counting all units such as students in a school. Infinite: such as RBCs of an individual . Sample: A subset of a population obtained to investigate properties of the parent population. Target population: Population upon which the results of the study will be generalized. Sampling population: Population from which the sample was taken. Sampling unit: Population unit used for sampling Subject under observation on which information is collected such as: Children events. years, hospital discharges health. Study population: The population selected to be sampled it is a subset of the target population Sampling frame: Any list of all the sampling units in the population: List of households, health care units. Sampling scheme: Me

Aim VS Objectives & Variables types

Aim is general statement written in broad terms, explaining what is intended to achieve. General characteristics of Aim: a)       General or overall purpose. b)      Has long range or no time bound. c)       Has end point results. (endpoint means that in the final the research is beneficial or not). Objectives are concrete targets needing to be fulfilled or what you need to do to attain desired result (aim). General Characteristics of objectives: (SMART) a)       S pecific: means it must be clear what you are trying to achieve such as I want to increase my profits. b)      M easurable: means it must include quantifiable elements such as I want to increase my profits by 30%. c)       A greed : means that targets need to be agreed by different people who are involved in process such as I want t partners and it is agreed.    o increase my profits so I discuss the target with my d)      R ealistic: means that target must be achievable so that people are moti

Introduction to Medical Research

Introduction to Medical Research Research is the systematic collection, analysis and  interpretation of data to answer a certain question or solve a problem - It is crucial to follow cascading scientific steps when conducting one’s research Characteristics of research: 1) It demands a clear statement of the problem .  2) It requires clear objectives and a plan (it is not aimlessly looking for something in order to come across a solution).  3) It builds on existing data, using both positive and negative findings.  4) New data should be systematically collected and analyzed to answer the original research objectives.   Steps of Scientific Research: Selection of Research Area: Selection of this broad entity of research is based on the following: •      researcher’s: •       Specialty •       Interest •       Scientific background •       Experience •       Actual need for research in this area •       Available resources